
Ritual Oils Blue Lotus - The Ancient Egyptian Dream Flower

So I wasn’t able to try this gorgeous Blue Lotus Flower previously because I was breastfeeding Lolita but I stopped this month and I was like “wooooo I can finally try it come at meee” loll. I ordered 3 packets of Ritual Oils Blue Lotus flower which you can add to your bath, your tea or smoke it. The Blue Lotus flower is also known as the Ancient Egyptian Dream Flower andddd now I know why the Ancient Egyptians were so lit. I didn’t want to try it whilst I was breast feeding because it can have psychoactive affects and obviously this would then be passed onto my daughter so I didn’t want to risk it. I don’t think there have been adequate studies done but I encourage you to research for yourself.

This flower is gorgeousssss and versatile. Here’s a little bit about my experience with the flower. Every body is different and from a scientific perspective and what I experienced it will create a somewhat altered state of mind but it will totally depend on you and your body.


So let’s start with having it as a tea. So just like other tea’s you let it steep in hot water for 3-5 minutes depending on how strong you would like it.
Other people may put it in a teapot and the keep topping up the water as you can get quite a few cups out of a single flower but I just added it directly to my gorgeous mug and kept re-filling it in there. I added two flowers cause I bought an abundance lol but I am sure if you add just one at a time it will be fine. I didn’t add any sweeteners because I am sweet enough hahahahah nah I just don’t feel the need to make everything super sweet. I just have black coffee, no sugar & no milk so you can get an idea of what my tastebuds like.

The flavour is very mild. Almost like a Camommile if I had to compare it to anything but it is it’s own unique flavour. After about 15-20 minutes or so you will feel the amazing affects of this gorgeous flower. I would describe it as a super relaxing and chill vibes but not tired. Just like your whole body is reallllllly relaxed and comfy if that makes sense? I can see why people with anxiety choose this flower to drink as a tea and why it has been used for thousands of years in Egypt and China and many other countries especially in the East. I would recommend trying it before you sleep if you have insomnia or are anxious and I can guarantee you will fall into a deep sleep with quite vivid dreams.

I wouldn’t have this tea before work or when you’re going out. That’s just me personally. I would have it at home when you want to chill and relax. It also has aphrodisiac effect’s so that’s probably another reason to have some at home. Haha.

I read an article on how the Ancient Egyptians added it to wine and I think this would be super intense and a really nice but also get you lit experience. If you try it out like this let me know :)


blue lotus bath

The next way I used the sacred Blue Lotus flower is by adding it to my bath. I added 6 flowers to the running hot water with epsom salts and about 10 drops of Ritual Oils Moringa and Blue Lotus oil. It will turn the water a light pale yellow colour which to me signified the important qualities of the flower had been leeched. (Is that a real word or did I make it Up lol). If you haven’t tried this oil before it is SO AMAZING. It has the most divine smell so a bath and the flowers combined is pure relaxation. And we all need that weekly.

To be honest I got about 15 minutes of bath time to myself before the kids came in and wanted a bath as well but if you were to have a bath and a cup of Blue Lotus Tea before bed then oh my lordddddd it would be such a blissful sleep and you would smell like an angel. If I had longer I would have lit some candles and meditated in the bath fully emersed in blue lotus hehe.


So I wanted to start off by saying I do not condone smoking cigarettes or vapes. Everyone can do as they please and no judgement from my end but I don’t smoke and I personally think the whole inhaling process of smoking is a factor of why people enjoy it.
It is a form of meditation as you are concentrating on your breath which is how you can enter into a meditative state during meditation. That’s just my opinion.

Secondly I am not saying I smoked the Blue Lotus flower. Please DM me on Instagram @thedesignerhippy if you have any queries.

BUT if I did smoke the Blue Lotus Flower and according to other people’s experiences then this would be my experience - totally euphoric vibes and a feeling of happiness but also a very awake type feeling that had a lot of creative insight and buzz.

All in all I really enjoyed the Blue Lotus flower. I personally believe ancient civilisations were a lot more in tune with nature’s gifts and I love it because it is versatile, cheap and looks really pretty in the bath or mug. You feel like a queen when you’re surrounded by it.

If you want to give it a go, click here and use my code ROMEO. It will get you discount. If you have tried it out I would love to hear about your experience as well.

Thanks for stopping by and I want to send some blessings, love and light your way. Vibe high babies.