Paprika & Oregano Wedges

Hey guys! Hope your week so far is fabulous. 

I made these for the first time the other night because I got conned into buying a 5kg bag of potatoes from my grocery store haha. It was on special and I needed potato's anyways so I bought 5kgs and then realised there are only 2 adults and a toddler in my house haha. 
I hadn't made wedges in a while but I wanted to put a little seasoning on them so I opened my pantry and got some inspo from my spice section. 
These are so easy and delicious! Cooking doesn't have to be complicated, just tasty! 
I don't usually use dried herbs as I prefer the taste of fresh however these turned out so great. They are yummy as a side, dipped in hummus or by themselves. You can also use sweet potato for a healthier alternative too. 

Here is what you need :

  • Potatoes of your choice, washed, peeled and cut into wedges 

  • Smoked paprika

  • Dried oregano

  • Salt 

  • Pepper

  • Coconut oil spray or olive oil etc 

Here is what you need to do

  1. Put the oven on 200 degrees. Cut the potatoes into wedges, wash and dry them then scatter them on a tray lined with baking paper 

  2. Spray them with oil and then scatter the paprika and dried oregano over the top

  3. Season with salt and pepper. Put them in the oven and they should be done in about 20 minutes (cooking time will vary according to how big the wedges are). 

Enjoy ! 



paprika oregano wedges
paprika oregano wedges