Top tips for brides on their wedding day

The day you get married is without a doubt one of the best days of your life. I have spoken to so many girls on Instagram who asked for advice for their big day and I always offer these tips so I thought it would be nice to share them on here. Hopefully it reaches a wider audience and I can save a  bride for something they would consider a disaster. 

1. This is number one because I think it is the most important thing. As much as you plan and organise etc, it is not uncommon for something to happen that is out of your control. This happened on my wedding and nearly every one I have spoken too. Whatever happens, just let it go and be happy. This day is so special and only happens once and the important thing to remember regardless of whatever thing has 'ruined' the day you spent forever planning, you're marrying the love of your life and what's better then that !? Not much :)

Key point : CHOOSE HAPPINESS. Make an extra special effort to be relaxed and happy. Only YOU control your emotions and happiness. 

2. Pack a sewing kit. I don't think this needs any explanation. Just pack one and have your bridesmaid put it in her bag. Hotels usually have little mini travel size kits which is exactly what you need and the perfect size. 

3. Eat. For the love of God please make sure you EAT especially before the church or ceremony and if you get a chance right before the photo's have a little snack. I ate breakfast and then had something small when we were half done with the photo's anddddd when I went back to the hotel for my hair to be changed I had the worst cramps in my stomach from lack of food and I was so hangry. I regret being hangry so much :(
 And also at the reception, they usually bring the bridal tables food out first so there is your prime opportunity to eat before all the fun celebrations woo woo.

4. Pack mints, deodorant and a tiny bottle of perfume. You're going to be talking, greeting people, saying thank you, hugging, dancing so keep that breath smelling minty fresh:) You can get the tiny sample perfume bottles from David Jones etc- they are so small and take up no room- perfect!

5. Pack alcohol free wipes incase something spills on someone's dress or outfit. The alcohol free wipes shouldn't leave a mark on the fabric. To be extra safe, test another similar fabric with the wipes the day before. 

6. Do a timeline of the day and leave someone reliable in charge. This should be the maid of honour really but just anyone that will be with you for most of the day. I did a complete schedule starting from the night before eg: 9:00m go to bed 6:00am wake up 6:30am be ready for breakfast etc .
On this timeline you want to include all the supplier details as well as addresses of the location for your pictures etc. I also emailed this to my photographer so he was aware where he needed to be at what time etc. 

7. Wake up early. The day goes by so quick and you really want to savour every moment. Even if you just lay in bed for an hour and think happy thoughts and count your blessings, I highly recommend waking up early and enjoying the entire day.
Fun fact: Jordan and I practiced our first dance routine (for the first time) at 5am on the morning of our wedding haha - talk about leaving stuff to the last minute. It ended up being perfect though. 


Here are some never seen before behind the scenes pictures from our wedding and you can read more about our wedding via the article on Wedded Wonderland . Enjoy my lovelies.

The Designer Hippy
