This beautiful woman has most people's dream job

What's your dream job? What do you wake up every morning and wish you were doing? I think a lot of people would say a travel blogger. Who doesn't want to travel AND get paid for it! 
Recently I interviewed Krisanne Fordham who lives the life most people would only dream of. She moved to New York when she was 22, has married an extremely talented and well recongised American photographer (I am talking shoots for Bazaar etc) and is now based in LA/NY but travels the world and writes beautiful articles.
I worked with Krissy about 10 years ago and am so happy we kept in touch. The reason I interviewed Krissy is because she worked very hard to get where she is today and I find her such an inspiration. I always found her so beautiful, humble, intelligent and nothing has changed. I hope you enjoy my interview with Krissy and it gives you the motivation to find your calling life whatever it may be. Interviewing Krisanne has hit a spot with me this week. Nothing comes easy and it takes hard work. It takes dedication and consistency. The past week I was beating myself up over things and then I had a reality check (thank you husband). Only I am in control of my life. If I want it, I need to work for it. YOU create the life you want. YOU are able to write your own story and nothing is stopping you. 

If you want to see more amazing photo's, please follow @krisannefordham on instagram. Happy reading beautiful people. 

travel blogger lifestyle blogger


G: Krissy you have the life most people would only dream of.. what pushed you to leave the rat race and 9-5 lifestyle?

I was an editor at a travel magazine in New York for a few years, and at The Huffington Post before that, and though I liked my job, I was really burned out from the long hours and being at a desk all day long. I was lucky enough to have achieved my goals — to be working the media industry in New York — quite young, so that gave me room to question what I really wanted in my life. And I realized that it wasn’t the 9-5 lifestyle. I wanted freedom and flexibility to travel, and I felt like I was wasting the best years of my life. So I switched gears completely and made moves towards that (which is not as hard or crazy as a lot of people think).

G: What words do you live by/ any life motto?

A mentor of mine told me not to chase money, but to chase my passion, and know that the money will follow. That advice has really changed the trajectory of my life for the better. We live in such a materially-obsessed society and I think our values and priorities today are all wrong.

G: What advice can you give to someone about following their dreams?

Be persistent and (it’s corny but true) don’t give up, ever. The most successful people I know aren’t necessarily the most talented or even the most driven—they’re the ones who keep getting back up after they’ve been hit and never quit, no matter how many people tell them no. I’m still working on how to better deal with doubt and rejection, so it’s something I have to keep reminding myself, too. I don’t have it completely figured out myself!

krisanne fordham travel blogger

G: Favourite place you have been and why?

Secret Bay resort on the beautiful, untouched Caribbean island of Dominica. It’s the most blissful, special place I’ve ever been to and the staff were the kindest on earth. Sadly, they were hit pretty bad by Hurricane Maria recently, so it’ll probably be a while before they reopen.

G: In your travels, is there anything you want to spread awareness about?

I don’t have any specific, destination-based issue, but something I do see a lot in my travels is tourists from Western countries (like America and Australia) just being really obnoxious and expecting the same ease and comforts they have at home. It’s my pet peeve when I hear tourists getting frustrated with waiters overseas who don’t speak fluent English. It’s their country! It’s your responsibility as a traveler to learn phrases and basic words in their language. Also being courteous and respectful of local customs. So I just want people to be aware of that

krisanne fordham interview

Much love,

